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Richard contributes to 'miles of smiles' as people raise funds in the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon

Well done to our Services Operations Manager Richard Grundy who volunteered his time to act as a marshal for the Rob Burrow Leeds Marathon on Sunday 12th May. More than 14,000 people took part in the 26 mile run around the city and the half marathon, which started half an hour apart.
The marathon was set up in 2023 to raise money for motor neurone disease (MND) charities and a new MND centre in Leeds, following Leeds Rhinos rugby league legend Rob Burrow’s diagnosis in 2019. This year, the event has raised £2.5 million for local and wider good causes.

Thank you to Richard for giving his valuable time to support such a brilliant, community event. 4 Site Security believes in supporting our colleagues and giving them a ‘shout out’ for helping to drive forward important social change.

The Jane Tomlinson’s Run for All marathon event organisers sent volunteers a message to say: “… we truly couldn’t have done it without your support! […] The feedback and comments that we have received from both staff and participants on the day has been truly overwhelming regarding how fantastic all our volunteers were!”

Jane Tomlinson’s Run for All are always looking for volunteers at other events, and you can find a list of their forthcoming events here .
If you are doing something, big or small, to support a good cause, or have an idea for a fundraiser or community support initiative, please get in touch with your line manager.
4 Site Security is eager to invest in giving people time to carry out approved activities and recognising these activities as part of performance and development.